Friday, September 18, 2009

How to Make a Fossil

It’s hard to find fossils so Room 5 made our own.
You need:
Plaster of Paris,
A paper clip,
Black paint,
A cloth,
Gold spray paint,
A small plastic container.
This is how you make them.
First get the clay and put it into the container, about 1½cm high. Press it out flat with your thumb.
Next push three or four shells in; three or four because you don’t want to get too cramped, and then take the shells out.
After that make a loop
with your paper clip. It looks
like this.
Then get your Mum or dad to help you pour the plaster of Paris in. Make it go just over the clay.
When you have finished that, gently put the loop in the plaster of Paris. Leave it inside for a week to let it dry.
Eventually the time will come when you spray paint the fossil.
Finally, when the spray paint is dry rub a little bit of black in the gaps.
Let it dry then hang it up on the wall.
Now you are done!