Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Kangaroos are animals that live in some parts of Australia.

Kangaroos are warm blooded but they are not mammals. They are called marsupials instead.

Kangaroos protect themselves in many different ways. It is likely for kangaroos to get hunted by dingoes. For females carrying a joey it is quite heavy so the female drops the joey and goes back to look for it later.

Baby kangaroos are only the size of a jelly bean when they are born. As they reach four months they can crawl out of their mother’s pouch. The baby kangaroo can do its first hop by its six months old.

The male kangaroo is the boss of the mob. Sometimes other kangaroos want to be the boss so the boss and the enemy have a fight. They use their paws, feet and tail. Some win but some lose.